Best Truck Driver Movies Of All Time

Even if a truck driver’s schedule does not allow for much downtime, viewing a trucker movie is a tried-and-true method to pass the time when you are not on the road. We all know that most films do not accurately depict what it is like to be a truck driver, but a select handful does pretty darn well.

We have a few truck driver movies that always rank at the top of our watch list, no matter how realistic they may be. Here is our selection of the top trucker movies to watch the next time you have some downtime. Perhaps you will giggle at how absurd they are or identify with one of the characters. In any case, we are certain you will be amused.

Convoy – 1978

In the action movie Convoy, Kris Kristofferson plays Martin “Rubber Duck” Penwald, a driver who is through the Southwest. Rubber Duck demonstrates his abilities as a courageous and skilful driver and a devoted buddy throughout his encounters with the crooked Sheriff Wallace. It is reasonable to assume that this cult favourite is a truck driver movie that will undoubtedly endure.

Duel – 1971

Steven Spielberg’s first full-length film as a filmmaker is titled Duel. In contrast to Convoy, the truck driver in this film plays the role of the antagonist. David Mann, the main character, is a businessman on his way to visit a customer. Mann enrages the driver of an ancient, rusting tank truck by attempting to pass it. The following scenes have plenty of action and adventure as Mann attempts to escape the truck driver’s fury.

Big Rig – 2007

We have a particular place in our hearts for Big Rig since it is the only documentary on our list of semi-truck movies. This movie is also the most authentic in explaining what life is like on the road since it features genuine drivers discussing their real lives. Fun fact: The three-person team working on this movie did not organize the interviews. Drivers were approached randomly at a truck stop and asked whether they would be open to being interviewed.

Smokey and the Bandit – 1977

Smokey and the Bandit, the second-highest-earning movie of 1977, became a success. In this trucker movie starring Burt Reynolds as Bo “Bandit” Darville, Bandit and his friend Snowman try to smuggle 400 cases of alcohol illegally from Texas to Georgia. Sheriff Justice notices the duo returning to Atlanta as they pick up a fugitive bride, and a pursuit ensues.

White Line Fever – 1975

Carroll Jo “CJ” Hummer becomes a local truck driver, following in his father’s footsteps. But when his father dies, events force him to enlist in the Air Force and go to Vietnam. When he returns, he discovers that the trucking business he used to work for now uses its drivers to transport illicit drugs. The narrative shows CJ standing up against unlawful activity, which eventually causes him to get into several fights.

High-Ballin’ – 1978

In the last film on our list of the top trucker movies, King Carroll, a local trucker leader, is challenged by “Iron Duke,” an independent trucker. Iron Duke and his companion Rane had had enough of King Carroll’s ruthless efforts to put independent truckers out of business. This movie is even more compelling since it is intriguingly defined as “a contemporary day western, with trucks instead of horses.”

Our best picks for all-time truck driver movies are included on this list, which is not comprehensive. Even though they do not always depict a truck driver’s life correctly, they are worth seeing. Even if real-life vehicle chases and explosions may be less common, they are nevertheless exciting on a day off.

Visit our article on truck driver training if you want a more realistic picture of what life is like for a driver. Do not depend on a movie to explain what it is like to be a truck driver; instead, turn to our teachers to teach you what you need to know so you can start driving.

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