How Much Does It Cost to Paint a Semi Trailer?

Trucking is a serious business, and like any business, presentation matters. The way a truck or trailer looks is of critical importance. Any truck or semi seeing regular use needs a good paint job. So, how much does it cost to paint a semi trailer? 

As a general rule, painting a semi trailer will cost upwards of $6000. But there are a lot of factors to consider, many of which can drive that price higher. Age and condition of the semi trailer, condition of the trailer’s fasteners, as well as the type of paint used, can contribute to a more expensive paint job. 

Many years of heavy service can lead to things like corroded fasteners that are rusted in place and take a lot of time, not to mention specialized tools, to remove. There are other issues as well. Keep reading to learn more about the real cost of painting a semi trailer. 

How Much Does It Cost to Repaint a Trailer?

Painting a semi-truck trailer is a serious undertaking with a lot involved. Naturally, prices will vary from place to place and from job to job. To learn how much does it cost to repaint a trailer, the first step is to ask around. 

The cost of repainting a trailer can depend on the condition of the trailer and who’s doing the painting. A professional paint job for a day cab semi truck should start at about $4500. Jobs that include cab, hood, and sleeper, on the other hand, start closer to $6000. The price is usually increased by things like removing and reinstalling parts, bodywork and more. 

It is something that can be a DIY project, but that is not recommended unless the person involved has painting experience. All told, some trailer paint jobs can go as high as $10,000 or even higher.

How Much Does It Cost to Paint a Trailer a Different Color?

One of the initial critical aspects that determine the price of a truck’s paint job is the type and quality of the paint used. 

The cost of a trailer’s paint job can very based on color. 

  • Basic solid colors are the simplest and least expensive option here and they can run somewhere between $1500 and $2000 just to put on a primer coat, a basecoat, and a final clearcoat.
  • Fancy highly pearlescent colors or other special effects cost significantly more. Indeed, a custom paint job for a semi truck can be as much as $10,000 just for the paint alone. Such things take a lot more time and require extra coats of paint. And all that leads to higher costs.

If you’re looking to keep the cost of your paint job down, choose a basic paint. 

Issues That Impact Painting a Semi Trailer 

It’s important to realize that when painting a semi-trailer it is not necessarily as simple as driving the truck into the shop and splashing some paint on it. There’s a lot of prep work involved. Consider the following:

Removal of Parts

There are a lot of different pieces that make up a truck and many of those have to be removed to allow for proper painting. As mentioned above, things like rust and corrosion can make that difficult and costly. Then, when all is said and done, those parts have to be reinstalled or replaced.

Removal of Paint

This is usually accomplished with sand blasting. This step is critical for two reasons. Not only is it necessary for the new paint to adhere properly, but it will also expose a number of hidden problems like cracks in the fiberglass or what-have-you. Once exposed, they can be dealt with and repaired.

Special Paints Must be Used

The paint used on semi-trucks must be engineered for that purpose. Due to the rough wear and tear inflicted by truck driving, normal car paint, for example, is inadequate. The paint used on a truck must be more durable.

Those are just a few concerns that arise when painting a semi trailer.

How to Lower the Price of a Semi Truck Paint Job

The exceptionally high cost of painting a semi-truck may make some individuals balk or do a double take. They may wonder if there is anything they can do to lower the price of their semi-truck paint job. Fortunately, there is.

Remove Accessories Yourself

One of the first things one could do is remove all the extra accessories before getting the trailer to the paint shop. This lowers the cost of labor. The accessories most in need of removal include:

  • Mirrors
  • Lights
  • Exhaust stacks
  • Fenders
  • Air cleaners
  • Whatever else might interfere with painting

None of this is required, of course. The body shop will likely take care of it if the customer does not. But if it is done beforehand, it may save a few dollars.


Those are some of the details involved with painting a semi-trailer. As we said, it costs in the neighborhood of $6000 dollars or so and may be an involved process depending upon the particulars. We hope this information helps.

Dane Eyerly

Dane is a lifelong lover of semi-trucks and the trucking industry. He loves learning about semi-trucks, careers in the trucking industry, and the lifestyle of truckers. Dane also enjoys attending the Mid-America Trucking Show and Great American Trucking Show in Louisville, KY and his home town Dallas, TX. Click here to learn more about Dane.

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