How Tall is a Freightliner?

Freightliners are impressive and beautifully designed trucks. Freightliner trucks are made by an American truck manufacturing company – Freightliner Trucks. They come in 3 models, the Cascadia, the Columbia CL 112, and the Coronado 114.

Freightliner models have different heights. Cascadia ranges from 9.8ft to 10.6ft; it may also come with a raised roof which is about 6ft high. Colombia is about 12.1ft to 13.4ft tall. While the Coronado’s height ranges from 9.6ft to 13.4ft. The features of the truck play a big role in determining the height.

As mentioned earlier these trucks are quite impressive. The cab of some Freightliners is modified to allow space for a truck crew. Freightliners come with other impressive features, in the course of this article, they will be discussed. Sit back and enjoy!

Features of a Freightliner

Freightliner trucks have features just like other trucks. They have similar properties as all articulated vehicles do. However, certain features make these trucks stand out and a preferable choice for many truckers. Let’s see some of these features.

Effective Cooling System

 An important feature of all trucks is the cooling system of the cab. Freightliners come with modernized Heating, ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system. The system comprises of eight blower speeds and six air vents found on the dashboard. These components produce about double ventilation speed of conventional HVAC systems found in other trucks.

This feature helps you enjoy a smooth journey while keeping the temperature optimal. Freightliners give that luxury.

Optimal Mirror Design

Mirror size and position are vital to a vehicle’s design. Trucks need mirrors as much as a driver needs his eyes. Freightliner trucks come with mirrors adjustable from the inside. They are designed with power mirror adjustment – adjustment is done automatically.

 Freightliners ensures your comfort and safety with its sophisticated features  

Ergonomically Designed Seats    

When it comes to driving trucks, comfort is everything. Truck drivers need to have comfortable seats that help dissipate heat and odor quickly. Good trucks must also be designed to help the driver maintain a good posture and prevent backaches.

 Freightliner Trucks come with ergonomically designed seats that ensure the drivers comfort while driving. Freightliner trucks use durable designs for making their seats. These seats control temperature and help the driver enjoy a smooth journey.

Ergonomically designed seats are perfect for driving trucks and those are what Freightliner trucks offer.

Side Object Detection System

A common challenge with driving trucks is the seeing objects in the driver’s blind spots. This problem has caused accidents and in some cases loss of life and valuable properties. Many experienced drivers have to contend with this challenge everyday with no visible solution

While some trucking companies struggle with this challenge, Freightliner trucks have found a solution. Advancement in technology has helped to discover a side object detection system. Freightliner incorporates Bendix BlindSpotter side object detection system.   

This technology allows the driver see objects such as vehicles, signs, and people. The detection promptly notifies of the object and the best way to react to such objects. These side object detection system is helpful to both new and experienced drivers.

Temperature Controlled Cab  

Truck drivers who engage in long journeys consider the cab of their trucks as a second home or their little sanctuary. Therefore, it has to be conducive and suit their preferences. Whether driving or trying to take a nap, the cab should be a suitable place to be for a truck driver.

 Freightliner trucks have insulated cabs. Therefore, the temperature outside the cab differs from the temperature inside the cab. Freightliner cabs have well insulated walls to help control the temperature. This feature allows truck drivers work in a conducive environment and enjoy their work too.

Efficiently Designed Dashboards

Freightliners are made with aesthetically pleasing dashboards which are designed efficiently to help the driver manage his surroundings. The dashboards houses front HVAC vents, safes, electrical control switches among others. A well constructed dashboard allows the driver get around without stress.  

Optimally Designed Trucks

The beauty of a truck is in the eye of its beholder and its driver. Trucks that their designs don’t allow for aerodynamics are often difficult to drive. Such trucks don’t have an impressive appearance and are undesired by many truck drivers and trucking companies.

Freightliner Truck models don’t just look good, they work and move even better. These trucks are designed to allow for aerodynamics thus making them beautifully designed and easy to drive. Aerodynamics is important part of mechanics, therefore making provisions for it is vital.


Freightliners are quite tall; all the models of these trucks have impressive bodies with an average height of 10 feet. However, the height and impressive and impressiveness of these trucks are not the only remarkable things about them. They come with helpful and unique features too.

Some of the features mentioned are not found elsewhere. Many trucking companies use Freightliner trucks because of these features.  Freightliner Trucks keep in mind the comfort of truck drivers coupled with efficiency of the trucks before manufacturing trucks.

Dane Eyerly

Dane is a lifelong lover of semi-trucks and the trucking industry. He loves learning about semi-trucks, careers in the trucking industry, and the lifestyle of truckers. Dane also enjoys attending the Mid-America Trucking Show and Great American Trucking Show in Louisville, KY and his home town Dallas, TX. Click here to learn more about Dane.

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