How to Unlock Freightliner Cascadia?


Whether you are a first-time user of a Freightliner Cascadia or have accidentally locked yourself out of your vehicle, unlocking your truck is imperative to get on the road. The Cascadia has a few different entry methods, and knowing which yours has will help you in the unlocking process.

Key entry will be as easy as any other door, but if you have a keyless entry, the Freightliner Cascadia has a few different methods of unlocking the doors. The keyless entry system unlocks all doors, opens the tailgate, and is done with a touch of a button on your phone or remote control!

These two different ways to get inside the cab are very handy and can let you get started on your hauling journey. But that’s just the surface of unlocking your truck. In today’s article, I will get into all of the details of unlocking your truck.

The Basics of Unlocking your Freightliner Cascadia

If you have a Freightliner Cascadia, you should know that the key is in the ignition. This can be highly beneficial and helpful when you are transporting heavy weight or have a load on your truck. Cascadias have both keyed or keyless entries. 

Depending on which method you have, you may have some extra steps for opening your truck:

  1. The first step is to locate the key in your truck. It is located on the driver’s side of the steering column or in the ignition. 
  2. If you have a keyless entry, you will need to find a button that unlocks your doors. This button can be found on your key fob or remote control.
  3. Once you have found this button, press it and wait for your truck to unlock.
    You will see a red light flash, and then it will unlock. 
  4. If you have a keyed entry, you will need to use the key for your truck to unlock. 

Once unlocked, open all of your doors and open the tailgate if applicable.

Unlocking the Cascadia’s Controls

To unlock the Cascadia’s controls, there are a few steps.

They are:

  1. Press the key near the steering wheel. 
  2. Push it forward. 
  3. Then press it down and in the left direction. 
  4. Press it up and in the right direction. The truck should unlock now.
  5. The next step is to open up the hood of your truck. 
  6. Then locate a lever near the battery that is connected to a wire. 
  7. Pull this down to release the hood latch and then pull back on it so you can raise your hood. 
  8. You will need an external key for this process as well as some patience because it may take a few minutes for your truck’s hood to open completely.
  9. Once you have raised your hood, locate another lever above the windshield wiper arm at eye level with a wire attached to it. 
  10. Pull this down to release a lock on top of your windshield wiper arm, and then pull back on it to lower your wiper arm without any difficulty.

Now, let’s look at how to unlock your Cascadia without keyless entry or keys.

How to Unlock the Freightliner Cascadia without Keyless Entry or Your Keys

I’ve certainly been there: I step out of my truck for a moment and realize too late that I left my keys in my now locked truck. Well, I have good news. There are several ways that you can unlock your Freightliner Cascadia without a key or your keys.

Here are some of the best ways to unlock your Freightliner Cascadia without a key or your keys:

  • The Old Fashioned Slim-Jim: Sometimes, the old reliable method is the best method. Contact your local road assistance to come and unlock your vehicle with this method or use your own if you have one handy.
  • The Underhood Panel: Cascadias come with a panel under the steering column that is hard to get to, but it can be helpful if you lock yourself out. Remove the four bolts and the panel, and then reach into your cab to reach the keys if possible.

If you lock your keys inside, always take a look inside the cab to locate the keys before you do either of these methods, so you have a line of sight with them. Knowing where they are can help you identify the best method. Contact roadside assistance immediately if you are unsure or cannot see the keys.


Unlocking your Freightliner Cascadia is only a matter of hours away. Whether you have a brand new or used truck, the process can be quickly completed. I recommend using my online guide to get you started. 

Dane Eyerly

Dane is a lifelong lover of semi-trucks and the trucking industry. He loves learning about semi-trucks, careers in the trucking industry, and the lifestyle of truckers. Dane also enjoys attending the Mid-America Trucking Show and Great American Trucking Show in Louisville, KY and his home town Dallas, TX. Click here to learn more about Dane.

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