What Is a DOT Medical Card Used For?


When we get a driver’s license, it’s typically a simple process. We go to the DMV; we take a test and we get our license. For larger vehicles however this can be a little different because there’s an extra requirement, called a DOT medical card.

A DOT medical card is used for testing and certifying that a driver is physically, mentally, and emotionally able to operate a large vehicle and can drive safely. To do so, obtaining this card requires a physical examination.

Keeping drivers safe on the road should always be a top priority. That is why a DOT medical card is required, because it ensures that someone who wants to operate a large vehicle has the physical ability to do so. 

What Is a DOT Medical Card?

If you are new to the trucking world, you may know you need to get your CDL and DOT medical cards to legally operate your truck. But, what is a DOT medical card in the first place?

A DOT Medical card is a document provided by the Department of Transportation that certifies that you are fit to drive. It is a necessity for keeping a commercial driver’s license and requires you to pass a physical examination.

A physical examination is required to get a DOT medical card. These can be scheduled through a licensed physical medical facility. After you schedule and complete the exam, the findings will be sent to the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners, and you will be issued your card.

Why Is a DOT Medical Card so Important?

A DOT medical card provides a criterion for determining if a motorist is physically, intellectually, and emotionally capable of driving safely on the road and is in good enough form to avoid any avoidable accidents.

There are several reasons why DOT medical cards are used:

  • They encourage safety on the road. Accidents can be avoided if drivers are aware that anything may impair their ability to drive. A DOT medical card is an important document that assures the safety of everyone on the road. This card is used to guarantee that your personal health does not interfere with your ability to drive.
  • They help drivers know if they are ready. This document can help ensure that drivers are capable of doing their duties. A DOT Medical card is a document verifies your fitness since driving long roads and operating such large vehicles can often be an arduous task. 
  • They help spot issues before drivers get on the road. Most people don’t get checkups very often. This can result in issues slipping by unnoticed that cause problems both on and off the road. By getting a checkup, drivers are able to take care of these problems and drive without issue. 

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons why a DOT medical card is beneficial. Having a requirement to get a physical health checkup can prevent issues both on and off the road for drivers who wouldn’t be able to notice these issues otherwise. 

What Tests Are Required for a DOT Medical Card?

There are many areas that will be tested in the physical examination for the DOT medical card. 

These include:

  • One area is vision because eyesight is critical to driving on the road. If a driver has poor eyesight, they can risk hitting another vehicle or driving off the road. 
  • Another area is motor skills, because these are a way to enable a person to actually drive. With poor motor skills a driver runs the risk of not being able to react to situations quickly enough and may hit something like another car.
  • One other area that is tested is the person’s back and spine. This is because truck drivers typically sit in one position for many hours at a time and without their backs in good shape, it can lead to extensive strain and injury.

Now, let’s take a look at why DOT cards are necessary.

Why DOT Cards Are Necessary

The requirements to get this card apply to all drivers of commercial vehicles, not just ones who made specific requirements. This is because the safety of everyone is important while driving, and large vehicles pose more of a danger on the road. 

With this card, drivers can be confident that their physical skills and mental fortitude are at the level they need to be to perform their job well be a danger to themselves or others on the road.

Final Thoughts

The reason this card is so effective is because it takes into account the requirements of a job like driving a commercial vehicle. There are many strains and risks that we don’t often think about but can be a real issue on the road. 

Thankfully, with this standard there can at least be a baseline for what is considered a good health level to get the job done.

Dane Eyerly

Dane is a lifelong lover of semi-trucks and the trucking industry. He loves learning about semi-trucks, careers in the trucking industry, and the lifestyle of truckers. Dane also enjoys attending the Mid-America Trucking Show and Great American Trucking Show in Louisville, KY and his home town Dallas, TX. Click here to learn more about Dane.

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